Shirin Donia is a young, German-Persian artist. She was born in 1980 in Germany. In the age of 2 she already started painting, lying on the carpet, many hours a day. An inspiring environment assisted her creativity, as she got introduced to many foreign countries and mentalities in early days. Residences in Florida, the Caribbean, India, Middle East and London – to only name a few stations – formed her cosmopolitanism and her artistic esprit!

Shirin Donia visited academies in England and the USA. Through an additional apprenticeship in digital-art in a gallery in Palma de Mallorca, she can now handle confidently “paint-brush and pc”. Her paintings argue for themselves, as well as the many successful exhibitions in the last years.

Since eight years Shirin Donia is now successfully artistically active and has consistently advanced herself. Today she is fascinating with large-sized, brilliant and predominantly photorealistic oil paintings on canvas. The aesthetic motives, often interesting characters from the music and film industry, are played extravagantly to the gallery. The intensive charisma of the paintings establishes the direct communication between the observers and exerts an emotional pull. Integrated squares and interesting graphic effects underline the special stile of her paintings, which especially suit into any life-style affected private or business ambiances.

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